The Glen Paragliding Club is a sporting section of the Glen Country Club and has over 130 members. Cape Town is one of the most spectacular places in the world to paraglide. Lion’s Head and Signal are our most iconic sites because of their location and the stunning views of Table Mountain and the Cape Town area. The Club is the custodian of all flying sites on the Table Mountain National Park, including Signal Hill or Lion’s Head, and of several other sites. It is essential that all pilots, including visiting pilots, strictly adhere to the sites’ rules in order not to jeopardize our right to fly.Want to Enquire about Paragliding? Contact us :
The Glen Paragliding Club objectives:
1. To facilitate the exchange of knowledge, views, and experience of pilots such that pilots can progress quickly and safely to the highest level of the sport.2. To organize competitions, events, and meetings both flying and non-flying to promote camaraderie, pilot development and singularity of purpose within the Club.3. To operate in accordance with and abide by the rules and regulations of the South African Hang Gliding & Paragliding Association (hereafter referred to as “SAHPA”), the Aero Club of South Africa and The South African Civil Aviation Authority in the interest of paragliding.4. To ensure that all pilots always fly with full knowledge of SAHPA and local rules so that neither present a danger to themselves, their fellow pilots, any third party nor the sport itself.5.Manage and control flying sites which are designated as being the Club’s responsibility.
Every foreign pilot flying a paraglider, hang-glider, paramotor or paratrike in South Africa must be a member of SAHPA, must have 3rd Party liability insurance, must have landowner permission to launch from any site and must have at a minimum an IPPI4 card. Register here
We recommend visiting pilots to join our Club on a temporary basis for a small subscription fee. Fill in our quick joining form and fly with the knowledge that you are in good hands with the Glen Paragliding Club.Join here
The Kaapse Buitepos Klub will be hosting the 2024 South African pre PWC, a FAI sanctioned CAT2 event. The seven day event will run from Sunday 15 to Saturday 21st December 2024, with no rest days. Friday 13th December will be an unofficial practice day. Saturday 14th December will be an official practice day.Flying Site : Porterville, which is known as Africa's premier summer flying and XC competition site has hosted several South African Nationals.Want more info? Visit
The Western Cape delivers a week of great paragliding tasks for a field of 75 mostly foreign pilots over the Cedarberg.Watch on YouTube
Join us for four days of flying, connecting, relaxing and enjoying the beautiful surroundings of Kardoesie, N7 Citrusdal. A unique opportunity to meet old and new pilots. Register here as soon as possible so that we can make the necessary arrangements for camping, braaing and others in time.
Join us! The challenge involves task setting, scoring, retrieve, medics, a spit braai on the Saturday night, talks, prizes and more.Entry fee is R1900. Registration closes 10 March 2024.
Become part of the crew! For up to date informations and notifications regarding flights, weather, news and upcoming events and more. Scan the QR code to join the WhatsApp group. We also enjoy many social gatherings, get to know your fellow fliers and learn everything there is to learn about flying in lovely Cape Town through the Glen Paragliding Club.Please Note : This group is for FLYING related talk ONLY. Specifically things like flying plans, site updates, flight feedback. There are members who aren’t interested in general chatting – please respect this and use the CHAT group for chatting.
Feel free to contact us for more information! T +27 66 490 1404 | E glenclubparagliding@gmail.comVictoria Road, Clifton, Cape Town, South Africa, 8005